But it wasn't always this way. There was once a time when my weekends were free. I watched a thing called television, and I could even provide you with a synopsis of all the latest episodes of the hit shows. I read books...and actually had time to finish them. I even reveled in the fact that when an engagement came up, I got to pull out my calendar, and actually use it. Back then, I wasn't busy. I hated it. Being lazy wasn't how I wanted to live.
So I changed it.
This past year, I went from one extreme to the other. Lethargy is not a word I'd use to characterize my life now. Every weekend, I find myself struggling to balance all of the people and commitments I've made. I drive. A lot. I use more gas now, than I'd care to admit. I miss sleep, and I'm often left out of conversations regarding what's on television. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm just summarizing what life looks like now. It's strikingly different than a year ago. And I feel blessed by it all.
But I found enough down time to blog. Shock. I had to cancel three sets of plans today, Memorial Day, the day when everyone, even the hermits of the world have plans, because I'm under House Arrest.
I'm not allowed to leave my house, or really even get up off the couch, per Dr. Kendra's and Dr. Shannon's orders. I had surgery on my foot on Friday. Very painful bone surgery. I say this because I underestimated how much it would hurt, and how much I would have to scale my life back. Yesterday, only two days after my surgery, I attempted to "get my life back." Church, friends, bible study- a typical Sunday.
Only it wasn't typical. I was too drugged up to hear the message at church. I struggled to get up and down the stairs, providing comic relief to my friends. I threw up several times, while my beloved friend and chauffeur held back any patronizing comments about being right. I even laid sprawled out on her bathroom floor because I was too weak to get up. Yesterday wrecked me.
And here I am- smiling. I'm sitting on my patio, loving that I'm not allowed to do anything today. I was forced to take a day off, and I'm so thankful that I have friends who tell me when enough is enough. God strategically placed strong-willed friends and family in my life who make me take care of myself.
So to those wonderful ladies, I say thank you. Thank you for loving me enough to yell at me when I'm being stupid. Thank you for being strong enough to make hard decisions for me. Thank you for challenging my stubbornness.
I need days like today. And I need you to remind me of that.